
Welcome to the OLUG Website.

The Omaha Linux User Group (OLUG)  meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the AIM Brain Exchange, 1902 Howard Street.  Meetings begin at 6:30 PM and generally consist of a Q&A session, latest news and events session and a presentation.  Membership is free (no dues!) and everyone is welcome.  Joining OLUG is very simple, show up at a meeting or sign up for the mailing list.  If you would like to contact OLUG, please click here.

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Olug Mailing list Members: 261
Q: Why is Christmas just like a day at the office? A: You do all of the work and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit. You are using: ipv4.. Meh. - ln04.olug.org
ipv6 ready