April 2022 OLUG Meeting (in person and streaming)

The April 2022 OLUG meeting will be this Tuesday, April 5th at 6:30. We’ll be meeting in person and will also be streaming the meeting via Zoom.

Date: April 5th, 2022

Time: 6:30 pm

Location: Brain Exchange, 1902 Howard Street. Omaha, NE

Zoom Stream is available at:


Meeting ID: 824 9065 4909

Zoom Password: OLUG

Topic: Ansible and STIGs

Presenter: Dan Linder

Parking Info: https://www.olug.org/faqs/where-do-i-park-for-the-meeting

After the meeting we gather for SIG beer a block north at The Verdict Bar and Grill (It’s Taco Tuesday)

See you there!

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