[olug] OT: more Hans goodness

Shawn Mattingly smattin at mimezine.org
Wed Jul 9 04:03:57 UTC 2008

The primary issue in my mind is ongoing support...if they let him have 
access to a computer in the penn then having the primary developer of a 
project be locked away for 15-to-life may not be that big of a deal.  
He'll have a lot of debugging time.

Will Langford wrote:
> Saw this on google news and figured I'd pass it along due to the...
> different content it has than the standard media stuff:
> http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/07/09/hans_reiser/
> The droning of 'treated unfair' thing.. is... interesting.  Net
> bureaucracy becries this type of thing alot, no matter what the issue
> at hand is or which side you're on.  Also, I had a friend in high
> school with Aspenburger's Syndrome (which I believe I've seen
> associated with Hans)... and... I'd say I could see him in a similar
> situation with similar mindset.
> I saw on /. someone attempt to bring up the 'will you still use the
> fs' debate.  I can understand refusing to use technology gotten
> through dubious means, or medical knowledge gained from perverse
> experiments, etc.... basing things on principles like that is easily a
> judgement call.  Hans designed an FS.  He didn't do anything evil to
> create it.  The FS in of itself is 'innocent'.  Its completely
> unrelated to the murder.  An analogy - someone discovers cure for a
> dangerous disease.  A couple years later they go on a psychotic
> genocide... blaming a given group of people for the disease in the
> first place.  Is the cure any less valid from a moral/ethics stand
> point ?  I'd say it's perfectly fine.
> -Will
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