[olug] Asterisk and looking for SIP provider suggestions.

Curtis LaMasters curtislamasters at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 17:37:34 UTC 2010

I have used Google voice from Freeswitch on my pfSense box through Gizmo's
SIP connection.  Worked well for incoming calls but outbound calls were
50/50 whether they were going to be from my Google Voice account or my Gizmo
account. Since Gizmo was purchased by Google, I thought it would have been
an easy config, but seems there are some issues.  I didn't mess around with
it much and have since migrated to making calls from just my computer with a
Polycom IP communicator (speakerphone) with Google Chat/Voice.

I have used Teliax (Very solid) and one of the guys I used to work uses
AxVoice.  One of the blogs I follow recommends OnSIP.

Curtis LaMasters

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Brian Roberson <roberson at olug.org> wrote:

> rd google was going to permit SIP at sometime with gvoice - did I
> miss something? I wasnt aware this was possible (yet)

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