[olug] OT: Open Office Quickstart cards

Craig Wolf cjwolf at mpsomaha.org
Fri Oct 23 21:24:57 UTC 2009

Hey folks...I am going to be ordering some Quickstart cards from Brainstorm Inc for Open Office 3.  They just came out but have not hit the website yet.  If anyone wants get in on an order, let me know.  A set of 3 (Writer, Calc, Impress) is $12 w/shipping  Should not be more than a couple bucks for shipping per set but won't know until I know how many to order.  I am ordering at least 3 sets for myself and some customers, maybe more. 

You can see examples here: 

If anyone who is interested could let me know by Oct 30th, that would be GREAT!! 

Craig Wolf

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