[olug] Digital Drop Box

Obi-Wan obiwan at jedi.com
Mon Oct 20 16:45:29 UTC 2008

> Ok folks, ANOTHER project in my lap this week...I have been approached to do a web page that this person can decimate files to his users.

I doubt he wants to decimate the files.  That would be counterproductive.


I once setup a package written in PHP called "Upload" that allows me
to create usernames and then the users can upload files via their
web browser.  It was plain & simple.  I don't remember where I got
it from, and with such a common name, google isn't much help.  The
local docs don't mention the home page for it.

Ben "Obi-Wan" Hollingsworth                             obiwan at jedi.com
   The stuff of earth competes for the allegiance I owe only to the
     Giver of all good things, so if I stand, let me stand on the
       promise that You will pull me through.  -- Rich Mullins

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