[olug] Where is the September Issue of The Linux Journal

Rob Townley rob.townley at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 21:49:03 UTC 2007

i want to purchase the September Issue of The Linux Journal, however it is
already gone from the store shelves at Borders and Barnes and Noble near
Crossroads Mall.  Anybody know where September is still on the shelves or
one to sell?  i am particularly interested in the following:

Fedora Directory Server: the Evolution of Linux
*by Jeramiah Bowling*
Want an alternative to OpenLDAP?

The Ultimate Linux Laptop <http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9781>  *by
James Gray*
256 levels of pressure for this Ultimate Laptop Tablet.

p.s. Yahoo bought Zimbra Monday for $350 million.  Better crank up
subversion and checkout the code.

svn co https://zimbra.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/zimbra zimbra

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