[olug] (no subject)

Don Kauffman dekauff at cox.net
Tue Oct 10 16:25:36 UTC 2006

Nice job!

Do I foresee an OLOG presentation on this at one of the regular
1st-Tuesday-of-the-month meetings?? ;-)

Don K.

On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 11:05 -0500, cdelgad2 at bigred.unl.edu wrote:
> So, it's been released and now I can talk.  This is what I've been up to all summer.
> http://www.terrasoftsolutions.com/news/2006/2006-10-10.shtml
> I was hired by Terra Soft Solutions to help them build a ginormous PS3 cluster
> sponsored by Sony.  They want to showcase the power of the Cell proc in
> somethihng other than gaming.  It was great fun to be one of the first people to
> develop a Linux distro for the PS3.  With all the goodies and fun of working on
> Hardware that doesn't quite support Linux.  So, basicaly, I've been playing PS3
> since May.  Well, no games, bu, you know.
> Cheers all,
> -Cesar
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