[olug] (no subject)

cdelgad2 at bigred.unl.edu cdelgad2 at bigred.unl.edu
Tue Oct 10 16:05:48 UTC 2006

So, it's been released and now I can talk.  This is what I've been up to all summer.


I was hired by Terra Soft Solutions to help them build a ginormous PS3 cluster
sponsored by Sony.  They want to showcase the power of the Cell proc in
somethihng other than gaming.  It was great fun to be one of the first people to
develop a Linux distro for the PS3.  With all the goodies and fun of working on
Hardware that doesn't quite support Linux.  So, basicaly, I've been playing PS3
since May.  Well, no games, bu, you know.

Cheers all,


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