[olug] Xen 3.0 LiveCD recommendation

Daniel Linder dan at linder.org
Fri Feb 10 02:58:43 UTC 2006

On Thu, February 9, 2006 16:14, Sean Kelly wrote:

> It is definitely worth checking it out if you've not already. Even

> you've used VMWare Workstation before, this is a bit cooler.

That's an understatement if I have heard one. :-)

My company has a few VMWare workstation licenses for us consultants to
use.  Since I'm one of the few that use Linux on my laptop I have it
installed and run WinXP in one instance for access to my companies
Exchange server, Visio and other "Wine"-hostile
applications.  For each of my customers I have another virtual
workstations (Windows, Linux, etc) and just boot them up when needed.


- - - -

"Wait for that wisest of all counselors, time." -- Pericles

"I do not fear computers, I fear the lack of them." -- Isaac

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