[olug] remote X for all apps

Ken Johnson kcjohnson at oidm.com
Tue Jun 8 01:53:17 UTC 2004

If you want a client that doesn't even have to have an OS installed...

I use a Linux Terminal Server at home for my kids and boot the clients into
X sessions on the server.  Apps run on the server screen, keyboard and mouse
info go down the wire, you can practically use junk for the client.


A nice way to get around having to have a bootable NIC is this thin client
bootable CD...



On 6/7/04 2:35 PM, "thelarsons3 at cox.net" <thelarsons3 at cox.net> wrote:

> I am curious how I would set up an older PC to be an X terminal, i.e. how to
> automatically tunnel an X session to the client machine at user login, and
> configure all desktop items to run those apps at the remote machine but
> displaying locally.  I'm sure this is old hat, but I'm not even sure what kind
> of terms I'd begin googling for.  Any pointers appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Tim

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