[olug] Jon Larsen, Thanks for the attempt (CUPS problems SuSE 9.1)

Sean Edwards cybersean3000 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 16 14:43:35 UTC 2004

To check if something is running on port 631 use

/<path>/fuser 631/tcp

This will return a process, or a list of processes
bound to the port.  You can then match this process id
with a record from top output and get a file name:

top | grep <process id>

If you want to kill all processes bound to a port, use

/sbin/fuser -k 631/tcp

The -k also kills all processes associated 
with a file:

/sbin/fuser -k <path/to/file/name>

I am not familiar with how SUSE provides interaction
between services, CUPS, and the user, but with many
other linux disto's, only root can do anyting with
ports 1024 and below.

-=Sean Edwards=-
cybersean3000 at yahoo.com

--- "Jon H. Larsen" <relayer at levania.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Aug 2004, Jon H. Larsen wrote:
> > The problem resolves around the fact that CUPS
> cannot bind to port 631, as 
> > it states that the port is already in use. 
> netstat does not report the 
> > port in use.  lsof did not show anything that I
> could identify as 
> > a possible conflict.  Switched the port over to
> port 80 for testing, and 
> > cups runs fine.  Switched it back to 631, and it
> exits the process.  
> > Changed the log level to 'debug2' and didn't get
> any more information than 
> > haveing the setting at 'info'.   Google searches
> returned others having a 
> > conflict with rpcd.quota and cups, but did not
> find it installed on the 
> > system.
> Joe,
> Since there haven't been any answers on why CUPS
> cannot bind to port 631 
> when nothing is running on their, you might as well
> can change the cups.conf 
> file to run on port 80.  This is going against what
> I would ever want to 
> recommend someone to do, because it will cause
> problems at some point.  
> Anyone have any suggestions as to why CUPS won't
> bind to 631 in SuSE 9.1?
> Jon L.
> -- 
> Jon H. Larsen  - email: relayer (at) levania (dot)
> org
> Omaha Linux Users Group - http://www.olug.org/
> AnimeSunday.org - http://www.animesunday.org/
> ICQ#: 10412618 - http://www.levania.org/~relayer/
> PGP Pub key -
> http://www.levania.org/~relayer/relayerpubkey.txt
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