[olug] Challenge With Perl Module Tk

Jay Hannah jay at jays.net
Tue Jul 15 02:52:18 UTC 2003

> >> Playing with Bastille Linux,
> >> http://www.bastille-linux.org/, and it needs two Perl
> >> Modules, Tk and Curses.  FYI, I've never played with
> >> Perl Modules before either.
> >>
> >> I've installed both from source and when typing
> >> 'bastille,' I get the following error:
> >>
> >> [error]
> >> [root at phoenix man3]# bastille
> >>
> >> WARNING: /usr/bin/perl cannot find Perl module Tk.

> Thanks for the info on how to install Perl Modules via
> console, that is a great tidbit of info that I never
> knew.
> BUT, still having a challenge with Curses, it is not
> install right, because when running Bastille, it still
> gives me the same error.
> What steps do I have to take to troubleshoot this?

Ummm... Can you copy and paste a few lines of source code from where
that error occurs?

You might want to try adding an 

   -I "/path/to/where/Tk/Lives" 

to the call to /usr/bin/perl in the source code. If you send the current
source, I could send back a suggestion...


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