[olug] take this poll

Carl Lundstedt clundst at unlserve.unl.edu
Wed Feb 26 14:12:33 UTC 2003

On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 01:09, Brian Roberson wrote:
> I urge you ALL to vite.... lets put this Unix Tip issue to rest... I left a comment there as well on
> my viewpoint-- 
> http://www.olug.org/modules.php?name=Surveys&op=results&pollID=18&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
I know that I'm just a "mailing list member" but I agree with your
comments on the poll.  It's not like I really like the "Unix Tips", but
it is VERY insightful and informative when someone else posts "I would
NEVER do this, I'd do...." or "There is a much easier way to do this..."
or even "Is this even useful, can't you just..."

Just subscribing to the Unix tips mailer would just get me the tips, no

Carl Lundstedt <clundst at unlserve.unl.edu>
University of Nebraska

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