[olug] The Joys of WindoMaker

Eric Pierce eric_olug at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 9 15:40:15 UTC 2002

--- Quinn Coldiron <qcoldir at nmhs.org> wrote:
> I'll have to give it a try.  I'm also not a big fan
> of the "start"
> button style window managers.
Me neither.  I run IceWM sans the "dock" and have
never missed it once.  The menu can be brought up
w/keyboard.  When I run IceWm there's no indication of
which WM I'm even running (just background & gkrellm).

>  I like WindowMaker
> because it fits the
> way I like to work.  It's nice just dropping images
> into a directory for
> the backgrounds, etc. and having them show up in the
> menu.
Yeah, that is nice.  It's a great WM and my first
recommendation to anyone wanting to get away from the
bloaty desk mgrs.


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