[olug] qmail - install - trying the test bit...

Brian Roberson roberson at olug.org
Fri Mar 22 02:17:40 UTC 2002

> > What is showing up in syslog/mail.info/mail.log/mail.err/etc?
> >
> Okay - I'm lost here as what you are talking about...I've looked around
> can't find the files you are talking about...

This is referencing the mail.info ,  mail.log , and mail.err syslog
facilities. in the file /etc/syslogd.conf , there should be references to
what file each of these facilities gets sent to.

example syslog.conf entry:
mail.*                          -/var/log/mail

this means log messages with facility mail.* ( * = anything ) will get put
in the file /var/log/mail . and just for further reference, the - option
before the file turns of syncing of the file after every log message ( which
is a very good syslogd performance trick )

> > Is it attempting to deliver the mail?  I'd check the log files and see
> > if you can determine where it's failing.
> >
> As far as I can tell, it seems to do it.  I've looked at the file in
> /var/log/qmail/current and looks okay..I guess???

a quick qmail trick:


cd /usr/bin
mv -f sendmail sendmail.bin
mv -f mailq mailq.bin
ln -s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail sendmail
ln -s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail mailq


at this point, you can type "mailq" in which you will see a listing of the
entire queue.

another quick qmail trick:

to find out how many messages are in the remote queue
"find /var/qmail/queue/remote -type f | wc -l "

to find out how many messages are in the local queue
"find /var/qmail/queue/todo -type f | wc -l "

to find out how many messages are in the unprocessed ( or todo ) queue
"find /var/qmail/queue/todo -type f | wc -l "

so... again, what is your local delivery agent, if you give me the precise
command ( with all flags ) you are using to start qmail-start ; I will be
able to tell by that.

Just as an info point, I can almost guess what your problem is, I am
guessing you are using the default setup. which delivers email to a maildir
in the users home directory ; instead of mbox format in /var/spool/mail/


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