[olug] 486-33 chokes on cdrom

Eric Penne epenne at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 7 19:53:55 UTC 2001

My own little story relevant or not!  I got my hands on a DUal PPro
server that wouldn't detect the drives on the scsi controller.  When it
checked the CDrom is just rebooted.  The CDrom was bad.  Have you
checked the CDrom in another machine?  BTW I received a phone call the
next morning after getting the server from inventory.  The call was
from the teachers college and they "accidentally" put a server in
inventory.  BEing the nice guy I am I gave it back.


--- Phil Brutsche <pbrutsch at creighton.edu> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> > I've tried attaching the cdrom to the cable both infront of and
> > behind the harddrive and both cause the 486 to halt without error.
> > I put the cdrom driver lines in a boot disk that boots ok as long
> > as the ribbon is not plugged into the cdrom.  Once the cdrom is
> > plugged in, I don't think it gets to the config.sys driver line.
> > This appears to be a bios error.  Ideas...
> > 	Bad cable maybe?
> > 	Jumpers on mbrd require changing for addn of cdrom?
> > What do you think?  Are there bios that can't handle a cdrom?
> The BIOS I think is irrevelant - I've put 48x IDE CD-ROMs in '486
> without
> any problem.  BIOS support is only needed to boot off the thing :)
> You should check to make sure the hard drive and CD-ROM are jumpered
> correctly - ie HD needs to be set for master and CDROM for slave.
> > note: pc = gateway 486 4dx-33 with a proc upgrade chip
> >
> > By the way, Mark Martin donated this 486 to me and for that I am
> > grateful and will attempt to continue his generocity by donating
> > hardware to the olug group.  I have a spare monitor now, and after
> > plugging it in to make sure it still works, I'll make another post
> > regarding it's donation.  I'm currently working to relieve this
> > poor little 486 of it's microsoftness and get it setup as a
> > dedicated firewall.
> I've got a whole box full of ISA Intel and 3com ethernet cards if you
> need
> any :)
> - -- 
> -
> Phil Brutsche					pbrutsch at creighton.edu
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