[olug] UNO student job opening

Marc Davis mwdib at home.com
Tue Nov 7 04:09:28 UTC 2000

If you are, or know of, a student at UNO who would be interested in the
following, please feel free to respond or pass on this message.

Student Job Opening: Programming
up to 20 hours/week, flexible scheduling.
All linux server environment.  Programming web applications and
stand-alone programs.  Good grounding in C/C++ programming.  Experience
or knowledge of PERL, PhP, MySQL a plus, but we will provide time for
training and learning on the job.  Interesting projects with room for
autonomy and innovation.  

You must be enrolled for at least one credit hour each semester to be
eligible for student employment.

For information including salary:
Marc Davis
Manager Support Services
UNO Library
554-4949 or
davis at revelation.unomaha.edu

Marc Davis
	mwdib at home.com			[general]
	davis at maxX.latesky.net		[personal]
	davis at revelation.unomaha.edu	[work]

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