[olug] Mozilla/Netscape

tetherow at nol.org tetherow at nol.org
Tue Aug 29 21:04:58 UTC 2000

On 29 Aug, Paul McNally wrote:
> I get this error when I try to run Netscape (it is installed):
> ./netscape: error in loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> I get this error when I try to install Mozilla:
> ./mozilla-bin: error in loading shared libraries:
> libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory
> Should I download another libc*??

First I would start with a 
find / -name 'libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2' 
to make sure it wasn't installed someplace not listed in /etc/ld.so.conf
If you find the file add the directory containing it to /etc/ld.so.con
and run /sbin/ldconfig

If it is not on the system you will need to add the package containing
it.  Under debian it is libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1 for woody but your milage
may very for other distros.

Or of course you could download the source, compile, ensure
installation diretory is in /etc/ld.so.conf and /sbin/ldconfig

Sam Tetherow                           tetherow at nol.org
Director of Development
Nebrask@ Online                        http://www.nol.org/

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