[olug] OT wireless stuff
Noel Leistad
noel at metc.net
Thu Jan 29 19:44:27 UTC 2009
Shannon wrote:
> "but do any of you have experience with satelite broadband or long range
> wireless access. I have a client in
> Raymond, NE that is using DSL and has had all sorts of problems.
> Dan Staehr"
> satellite stuff that I have seen sucks and people I talk to get it. seems to
> work good for a while and then it goes down hill from there till your about
> at dial up.
> wireless stuff works good if you have line of site. I get service from a
> wireless ISP. I think its slow for what you pay but it works good. its about
> a 2 mile link. but I think they can get around 10 miles.
> I think some WISP's have no line of site stuff.
> I had my own wireless link for a while shooting about 2 miles but I think I
> over sized the antenna and had problems with line of sight.
> may want to look into the cellular networks. I would go there before I would
> look at satellite.
> Shannon
I have had Wildblue's "starter" package for (huh?) nearly 2 years. I
can't say that it has really slowed down. It IS LATENT; ping times north
of 1300, but downloads can reach 70-90KB. The occasional (2-4month
uptime) power spanking cures most despicable d/l issues.
Now before you hard-wired folks (cable/FIOS/even FAT DSL) jump on my
stuff, my QWorst dial-up maxed out at 2.6KB on a GOOD DAY!!.
I am suspicious that non-LOS (thinking OFDM technology) can reach 10
miles. Our company has customers that have gone 9 mi, but SSFH, not
OFDM. Still the product is much better RE latency. It's probably high
priced, but the provider is NOT putting a $5-25 piece of equipment in
your house, more on the order of $200-500. So if you're not banged a big
equipment charge up front, it's gotta come from somewhere. (As fast as
tech is changing, hoping for a 3yr life is optimistic)
I've GOT a cellalar wireless card thru work, it's "snappy", but still
seems to have session initialization issues(slow) . The 5GB/mo traffic
limit concerns me the most. I've been running vnstat on my work system
since Aug08, 2 months under 6GB, the other 3 months ave out over 17GB.
And I don't think I d/l NEAR what I used to d/l when I was younger.
For what it's worth....
# Noel Leistad #
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