[olug] Apache question

Craig Wolf wolfout101 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 23 15:39:29 CDT 2023

So, trying to get Apached running on Windows 11 for a home user and I JUST
don't hands on this stuff anymore so I need a little help:
Trying to launch Apache and getting this
Invalid command "Order", perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration.

Here is that section it kicks out on startup and errors:
<Directory />

    Options FollowSymLinks

    AllowOverride None

    Order deny,allow

    Deny from all

    Satisfy all


When I remove that whole section, it errors on the next Order command.

This is a current download/unzip to the apache24 directory.  httpd.conf was
edited to ensure pointing to the proper location and port.  C++
redistributable was installed per instructions I found and system has been
rebooted twice to ensure everything else is clean.

What am I missing??  TIA!
Craig Wolf

Strengths: Activator, Relator, Adaptability, Learner, Achiever
Take a moment to Make a moment! - Shekeela/VZW

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