[olug] verizon internet

Ben Hollingsworth obiwan at jedi.com
Mon Dec 5 21:36:26 CST 2022

On 12/5/22 17:50, Tim Larson wrote:
> Anybody using the Verizon 5G internet? A $25-for-life deal sounds 
> pretty nice, if it really works. I'm about 2 blocks from a tower so 
> should have good service.

Verizon has the best coverage you can get in rural Nebraska.  It's the 
only carrier I'll use, although I do it through an NVMO (Ting). My phone 
says I get 5G when I'm in Lincoln.  I don't ever push the speed limits, 
though, so I can't comment on bandwidth.

*Ben "Obi-Wan" Hollingsworth* obiwan at jedi.com www.Jedi.com 
The stuff of earth competes for the allegiance I owe only to the
Giver of all good things, so if I stand, let me stand on the
promise that You will pull me through. /-- Rich Mullins/

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