[olug] Fwd: Ansible for DevOps/Kubernetes are FREE until end of March

Dave Thacker dthacker9 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 11:06:51 CDT 2020

Fellow OLUG members,

Jeff Geerling is making his books available free until March 31st.   He
publishes his books with Leanpub.   He's kept his "Ansible for DevOps" book
updated since he initially published it a few years ago, and I get an email
every time he makes an update.   His Kubernetes book is still in progress,
but if you pick it up, you'll get updates as he completes it.   I'd
recommend it if you are interested in Ansible.     Hey, you can't beat the
price!    See the links below.

Dave Thacker

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jeff Geerling <jeff at ansiblefordevops.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 10:43 AM
Subject: Ansible for DevOps/Kubernetes are FREE until end of March
To: <dthacker9 at gmail.com>

I want everyone to be prepared for whatever might happen in this difficult
time. Please feel free to pick up either of my books free this month.
View this email in your browser
The ongoing Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic and bear market made me realize
how beneficial it has been to be adaptable in the tech industry. There are
no guarantees in life, and the ability to earn a livelihood is probably the
most underrated important aspect of overall health. Most people take it for
granted until they are deeply affected by it.

I can't do much to help during this crises, but I figure that I can make my
two books, Ansible for DevOps and Ansible for Kubernetes, free for anyone
who wants to learn a new skillset as a buffer against possible coming
layoffs. Click the links below to get them from LeanPub (and feel free to
share with anyone who might be interested):

   - Ansible for DevOps
   - Ansible for Kubernetes

See this post on my blog for more details: You can get my DevOps books free
the rest of this month
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Dave Thacker

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