[olug] Emergency Server Room Air Conditioning Ideas

Hurley, Rod RHurley at TENASKA.com
Fri Jul 19 11:15:54 CDT 2019

Find out your BTU factor from your devices (each one is rated) and compare that to the cooling factor (tonnage) of your HVAC.  A good plan is to have redundant CRAC units, using lead/lag, where one comes on only when needed.  Of course to do this they have to communicate with each other.  Most modern CRAC systems have this option.   Then plan your units to cover the BTU factor (figure in for growth if necessary) plus 60%.  In other words, each unit is loaded to 40%.  This way if one fails, the other can hold the load with room to spare.  


-----Original Message-----
From: OLUG <olug-bounces at olug.org> On Behalf Of Rob Townley
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 10:30 AM
To: Ben Hollingsworth <obiwan at jedi.com>
Cc: Omaha Linux User Group <olug at olug.org>
Subject: Re: [olug] Emergency Server Room Air Conditioning Ideas

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HVAC techs examined the dedicated serverRoom AC unit.  It is maxed out.  AC blows out at 55 degrees F but it rises to 90 degrees F by the time it travels the 8 feet across the room.  Some systems would be OK, but enterprise grade SAS harddrives usually operate within tighter environmental conditions, 40 is too cold, 95 is too hot.

On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 4:56 AM Ben Hollingsworth <obiwan at jedi.com> wrote:

> In that situation, most buildings will have a dedicated AC unit for 
> the server room. If you need to use a fan, be sure to get one designed 
> for a 100% duty cycle, and make sure the room's inlet is low, exhaust 
> is high, and they're as far apart as possible.
> You may want to check the server's temp sensors to determine what is 
> an acceptable room temp. Just because it's uncomfortable for tou 
> doesn't mean the servers aren't OK.
> On July 19, 2019 4:05:01 AM EDT, Rob Townley <rob.townley at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> What are some ways to keep servers running when the Air Conditioner 
>> is not cooling well enough?
>> Blow air into server room from another part of bldg Portable Air 
>> Conditioner Fans
>> What else?
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