[olug] OT: Facebook Data Center positions

Michael Turczak d3xavier at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 23:13:26 CDT 2017

Just wanted to drop a line and say hello, and that we are starting to hire
at the new Facebook Data Center in Papillion.  We have a Data Center
Technician position open.  Need intermediate knowledge in Linux, hardware
troubleshooting, and some experience in Python, Ruby, or Shell scripting.
Experience with Chef, Puppet, or Saltstack is highly desirable.

A Data Center Technician at Facebook is considered a Tier 2 or Tier 3
operations support position.  We have a contingent workforce that performs
most of the hardware touches, with only the difficult hardware issues being
escalated to the Facebook FTEs.  A lot of the day to day involves
troubleshooting internal tooling and automation, and running large scale
projects of deploying and decommissioning server infrastructure.


If you have any questions or would like me to submit your resume, you are
welcome to email me at mturczak at fb.com

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