[olug] Cert Tapioca transparent network proxy finds 23, 667 Android apps that fail to validate SSL

Aric Aasgaard aric at omahax.com
Sat Feb 28 15:03:20 CST 2015

I guess I had Shark for Root installed on my old phone, odd that I didn't
find it with a quick search.

It looks like they just make a tunnel and send whatever they want through
the tunnel.
You cannot easily inspect the encrypted traffic against signatures.

Do SAN certificates with a bunch of seemingly non-related Subject
Alternative Names like this seem sketchy to any of you?
.....or look at the certificate for this site https://www.ricoh.com/
..........I guess they would be useful for reverse proxy servers.

It just seems odd that Candy Crush Saga would use the same certificate as

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