[olug] Assistance Needed for OLUG Meeting

Jon Larsen jon at jonlarsen.us
Sun Mar 23 19:23:38 UTC 2014

I am looking for assistance in streaming the OLUG meetings.

What we need:
	* Someone to operate the streaming equipment (laptop, webcam)
	* Someone to monitor the stream, and provide feedback
I would like to switch over to Google+ Hangouts as the main means of
transmitting the meetings.  This would include scheduling the Event on
Google+ and sharing it to the public. This has worked extremely well for
the Daily Tech News Show and the Virtual Star Party on Sunday nights.
Ustream has become a little harder to utilize and the short retention
policy has made it difficult to work on past videos.

With Google+ Hangouts we will gain:
	Live Youtube Streaming
	Youtube archive (no upload or convert)
	Maybe Remote Speakers/Guests?

Also, I think we need a social media coordinator to post on the various
sites (twitter, google+, etc) regarding upcoming meetings.

OLUG is made up of you, our members.  I would like to know your thoughts.

Jon L.

Jon H. Larsen  - jon -at- jonlarsen -dot- us
Blog - http://jonlarsen.us/
VP of Community Development, Omaha Linux Users Group - http://www.olug.org/
AnimeSunday.org - http://www.animesunday.org/

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