[olug] OT - Job Op in Omaha.

Jon Larsen jon at jonlarsen.us
Tue Aug 13 13:23:30 UTC 2013

I was having a chat with some friends of mine from CAS last night, and 
they let me know they are looking for a couple linux folks.  One 
position is up on Careerlink for a Network/Security Admin - 
http://careerlink.com/job/view/3720/000072 - if you are a experienced 
linux admin, and looking for a new position, please take a look. The 
other position has not yet been posted, but they are looking for a more 
entry level linux/network position.  If you want to step up into the 
corporate world, this may be your chance. There are some great folks 
working at CAS.

This was via word of mouth... :)
Jon L.

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