[olug] GNMUG Meeting

Jon Larsen jon at jonlarsen.us
Tue Aug 9 18:36:01 UTC 2011

I will be broadcasting the GNMUG meeting tonight on the OLUG ustream 
channel if anyone is interested in viewing Ken's presentation.


Jon L.

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From: 	Dave Coover <dcoover at aiminstitute.org>
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This is a reminder that our GNMUG group will meet this Tuesday at our 
downtown location at 1911 Harney Street.  Parking is available free in 
AIM's nearby parking structure.  Our meeting will begin at 6:30 PM and 
conclude by 8PM.  Our speaker this month is Dr Ken Dick (Peter Kiewit 
Institute).  Ken's presentation is entitled "Cut the Cable" and will 
lead us through how to cancel your cable tv service and get all of your 
TV programming through the Internet!  He swears he has NEVER missed a 
show that he wanted to view and has never looked back after cancelling 
his service!  We anticipate this will be a packed house, so get there 
early for a seat.

Dave C
*Dave Coover
*Director of Training
AIM Institute
1905 Harney Street Suite 300
Omaha, NE 68102-2367
(402) 345-5025 ext 132 Work
(402) 676-4604 Mobile
(402) 346-6257 Fax
(402) 527-0568 Google Voice Phone
SKYPE:  dcoover

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