[olug] could be good, could be bad

Jordan Fox vmifox at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 14:58:14 UTC 2010

Net neutrality never became law.  Moreover, within the past month or
so, courts ruled in Comcast's favor that the FCC doesn't have the
authority to regulate internet usage.  Thus, the cable/internet
companies can throttle/block any traffic they desire.



On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Luke-Jr <luke at dashjr.org> wrote:
> On Friday 23 April 2010 09:40:01 am you wrote:
>> If the ACTA passes, there is more responsibility for the ISP to stop
>> piracy. I'd rather see Usenet get dropped rather than see a whole slew of
>> ports blocked, throttling, blocking all P2P, etc.
> What happened to that net neutrality talk? Isn't the whole point to make it
> illegal for ISPs to block/throttle ports or mess with our traffic?
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