[olug] [OT] What do YOU do with a 70lb switch?

Dan Clough dan at miniarpa.net
Wed Dec 16 01:32:19 UTC 2009

I have ~70lbs of perfectly good networking gear sitting on my basement floor.

I just snagged a Cisco Catalyst 2948G on eBay because I felt I was doing my Catalyst 4006 quite a bit of dishonor making it power my dinky little home network.

It took a bit of effort doing it solo, but I managed to unscrew the old switch from my two-post rack and I now have a complete, fully functional 4006 sitting on the floor collecting dust and killing shins.  Three redundant PSUs, a Supervisor-II module and two WS-X4232-GB-RJ cards lay in wait.

What should I do with it?...  End table for my living room?...  Conversation piece?...  Boat anchor?  Does anybody buy these things anymore?

Suggestions are greatly appreciated.  :)


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