[olug] Win 7 and Samba

Phil Brutsche phil at brutsche.us
Sat Dec 12 03:06:44 UTC 2009

Rob Townley wrote:
> It would be better to configure /etc/samba/smb.conf to use ntlmv2 for
> both clients and servers.  If not, it would be better to not have any
> passwords at all.    NTLMv1 uses MD4 / DES which hasn't been secure
> for a long long time.  Unfortunately there are many bad Smb HowTos.
> Winbind has been known to get in the way in ADS scenarios, but it
> seems to be the most common HowTo.  ymmv.

FYI: if your Samba is new enough (ie 3.2 and newer) it will
automatically accept NTLMv2 authentication - the option to accept NTLMv2
is on by default.

Older releases do not support NTLMv2, including Samba 3.0; the person
who had to configure Win7 to send NTLMv1 was using CentOS 5, which
includes Samba 3.0.


Phil Brutsche
phil at brutsche.us

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