[olug] OT: evil poll

Sam Tetherow tetherow at shwisp.net
Wed Oct 29 22:56:37 UTC 2008


It matched me about 80% with  Bob Barr which didn't surprise me much.  I 
am surprised at the lack of Obama support on the list though.  The tech 
field usually tends so far to the left.

For those not voting for McCain or Obama, I'm curious about your 
reasoning.  Obviously your candidate will not win, do you still vote for 
them because you are trying to send a message to those running for 
office that there is support for their ideas or do you refuse to vote 
for someone you don't support?

For the record I'm voting McCain.

    Sam Tetherow
    Sandhills Wireless

Thomas D. Williamson wrote:
> When the primaries were still going on there was a web site that asked  
> about forty questions on policies the various candidates held and then  
> gave a list of candidates that came closest to matching the list. When  
> I was done there was no candidate that match all my issues exactly of  
> those who were candidates I think the list was something like this:
> Dennis Kucinich
> John Edwards
> Hilary Clinton
> Barack Obama
> I did hear an interview with Ron Paul, and although I did not agree  
> with his policies, I felt on the principles he spoke of he would have  
> been a more interesting candidate to follow.
> So for the actual election next week I will be voting for Obama.
> Tom Williamson
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