[olug] Keeping digital backup copies [Was: DVD Ripping]

Sam Tetherow tetherow at shwisp.net
Fri Oct 17 16:30:45 UTC 2008

Currently you are not allowed to make backup copies of movies.  Real 
Networks is currently in litigation over the issue with their RealDVD 
Ripper/Player and are under injunction not to sell the product pending a 

    Sam Tetherow
    Sandhills Wireless

Will Langford wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 11:10 AM, Sam Tetherow <tetherow at shwisp.net> wrote:
>> If we are talking about movies, you do not even have the right to rip in
>> the first place, even if you keep (own) the physical media.
>>    Sam  Tetherow
>>    Sandhills Wireless
> Although read by everyone already undoubtedly, and possibly already posted
> to list:
> http://xkcd.com/488/
> ... And... I'm unsure about being able to make a backup of movies or not.
>  Did they ever figure out fair use / backup stuff vs having to break the
> encryption ?  Is there linkage about such a decision ?
> -Will
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