[olug] OT: more Hans goodness

Will Langford unfies at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 19:50:30 UTC 2008

> this suggests to me you're in the useful is better than righteous :)
> apple = free (bsd) + proprietary (shiny, ui consistency, paste
> consistency, etc, etc) :)

Heh, BSD license allows such things:)

If propriety drivers are indeed evil in linux, it poses an interesting
problem for the end user.  Alot of popular hardware (video, storage,
etc) solutions involve proprietary drivers.  Would you really want to
give up these typically-newer hardwares for previous generation
things?  I know at work, several of our raid solutions require
proprietary drivers.  If we were of the mindset that we couldn't use
them, we'd undoubtedly be using a different OS that was more license


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