[olug] ping modem

Tim & Alethea Larson thelarsons3 at cox.net
Thu Jan 24 05:24:25 UTC 2008

Luke -Jr wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 January 2008, Tim & Alethea Larson wrote:
>> I keep losing my connection to the outside world, though my LAN is fine
>> and Cox says my modem is fine.  Usually I end up resetting the modem and
>> sometimes the routers too.  There's got to be something wrong between
>> the modem and the router.  How can I troubleshoot what it might be?
> Try 'mtr'

I've not heard of that one.  Would the modem have a LAN IP that I could
ping at?  Seems an obvious thing to try.


Tim & Alethea

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