[olug] eeepc experiences

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at dundeemt.com
Fri Dec 5 01:01:15 UTC 2008

I like my Acer Aspire One quite a bit.  1GB/160GB/6cell  running u8.10
I missed the OLUG meeting Tuesday but had it with me for the Python
meeting on Wed.

-jeff -- who added nothing of relevance to the gps question ;)

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Craig Wolf <CJWolf at mpsomaha.org> wrote:
> Please also consider the MSI Wind and HP 2130.  Both are great products from what I have seen so far...I have had my hands on the HP and Asus ones and the HP was SO much better (quality, function) than Asus, it was not even funny IMHO.
> Asus has really sullied their rep by calling all their crap EEEpc.  Hard to distinguish one from another at times.
> Craig Wolf
> Linux Server Support
> Backups Administrator
> Desktop/Network Specialist
> 402-715-6283
>>>> Noel Leistad <noel at metc.net> 12/4/2008 >>>
> Hash: SHA1
> I've been tasked w/ researching an Asus EEEpc as (college) graduation
> gift for a friend's graduate-to-be. I'd mentioned the $30 GPS dongle
> that was at OLUG & GNMUG the last month.
> SO, my friend is interested in THAT particular combo working as a
> Garmin/TomTom replacement PLUS all the reset of the netbook goodness
> that flow through. Initial employment to be "traveling southern MN and
> possibly northern IA as a district representative for seed & chemical
> company).  So, the Garmin/TomTom functionality is key and MAY be the
> answer anyway.
> Without buying one for personal experience (which I MAY DO anyway, but
> sidestepping due to time constraints), I'd appreciate input of any
> current owners in the category. I haven't researched GPSDrive enough to
> know if the Linux version of the e-cubed can really handle the task or
> to go w/ the Winblows version. ??
> The catch-22 in the deal: friend is school-board president and
> contemplating nudging school's technology dept towards the EEE,
> expressed interest in the Linux version just from my endorsement.
> Comments welcome.....
> Thanks.
> - --
> #######################################################
> #  Noel Leistad                                       #
> #  noel at metc.net                                      #
> #######################################################
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Jeff Hinrichs
Dundee Media & Technology, Inc
jeffh at dundeemt.com
web: www.dundeemt.com
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