[olug] Multiple video cards and X11...

Dan Linder dan at linder.org
Tue Aug 26 14:33:12 UTC 2008

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:14 PM, Adam Lassek <adam at doubleprime.net> wrote:
> Dan, the nvidia driver is the same for all cards 5200 and newer, so you
> should be able to add another nvidia card without changing your
> configuration very much. I have not done it myself, though.

Thanks for the feed-back - didn't know about the 5200 cutoff version
(should'a used the release notes).  Anyway, when I finally get some
spare time and money burning a hole in my pocket I'll have to buy the
6200 and try it.

When I get around to playing with this I'll let everyone know my results.


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