[olug] MythTV + PVR150 + IR Blaster

Benjamin Watson bwatson1979 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 02:35:14 UTC 2007

With regards to HTPC stuff, how are you guys connecting PC A/V out to
TVs?  I've dabbled around with LinuxMCE, Myth, Mythbuntu, etc. but my
problem is actually watching the stuff on a television rather than a
PC monitor.

Most of the TVs I own are older and do not have HDMI or VGA inputs.
They typically have coax, S-Video, RCA, or component.  In one trial, I
connected the S-Video output of my TV-tuner card directly to the
S-Video input of my TV and the picture was horrible.  I finally dug up
an old RF modulator I had for the days of connecting old console
systems to TVs, but have yet to try it.  So, I figured I'd ask what
you all are doing to get acceptable video quality to show up on your
television sets.


On 9/22/07, Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T <jeffh at dundeemt.com> wrote:
> On 9/19/07, Jon Larsen <relayer at levania.org> wrote:
> >
> > I'm using a separate IRBlaster to control my digital cable box.  I
> > purchased it from irblaster.info for $15.  It hooks into an RS-232 Serial
> > port.
> >
> > I used a lirc how to document which had instructions to configure both
> > the IR Receiver from my pvr-250 and the serial irblaster.  You may need to
> > read a couple different howtos' and merge them together.
> >
> > I used this as my howto.
> > http://www.eggshellskull.com/lirc/blaster/index.php
> >
> > I am using Fedora Core 6 and the ATRPMs repo for the mythtv files.
> >
> > If you have a built-in irblaster function, I assume you'll need to use i2c
> > to talk to it.
> >
> Thanks, I got it figured out.  I followed the directions about getting
> lirc and blaster set up before installing mythtv
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Feisty
> That worked out fine.  Then the mythtv install went swimmingly.
> Are you using Mythdora or Fedora w/ MythTV?  I tried a Mythbuntu
> (alpha based on 7.10) and  MythDora 4 and neither were a satisfactory
> experience for me.  I ended up sticking with Ubuntu 7.04 and
> installing the MythTV meta package.  I already had a SchedulesDirect
> account as I was using GBPVR before MythTV.  I liked GBPVR as an
> application but using Window$ as a platform was a real Achilles heel.
> All of the problems I had with the former had to do with deficiencies
> in the underlying OS.
> With you myth install are you using xine for previously recorded
> files?  I think I am going to try using VLC as the external player.
> -Jeff
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