[olug] VNC w/Qwest

Luke -Jr luke at dashjr.org
Tue Oct 16 02:35:33 UTC 2007

On Monday 15 October 2007, Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T wrote:
> > The day of NAT is gone. In this day of 128-bit addressing, every device
> > should have a globally routable address and properly respond to ICMP.
> Yeah, yah.  Just like the Mainframe is dead, FreeBSD is dead and every
> premature X is dead statement before it..  NAT is going to be here 10
> years from now.  Good, bad or otherwise -- it isn't going anywhere
> soon.     I predict that NAT will out live IPv6.   You should see what
> is being said on the ARIN boards.

NAT will live on as legacy support, sure.

> http://lists.arin.net/pipermail/ppml/2007-September/009004.html


> Even if IPv6 doesn't meander off to the pasture with Windows ME and
> Vista, there are going to be IPv6 to IPv4 NATs.  So you might as well
> figure out how to live with them.

Yeah, that's called backward compatibility.

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