[olug] Multipath, multi-arrays, and correlation.

Jay Swackhamer Jay at RebootTheUser.com
Fri Jul 20 20:16:51 UTC 2007


remove these lines
>  DM_NUM=`echo ${MPATH} | sed -e 's/mpath//g'`
>   VG=`pvdisplay /dev/dm-${DM_NUM} 2>&1 | grep "VG Name" | awk ' {
print $3 } ' `

and replace with
VG=`pvdisplay /dev/${DM_DEV} 2>&1 | grep "VG Name" | awk ' { print $3 } ' `

Jay Swackhamer
Reboot The User
13416 A Street
Omaha, NE 68144
Hours: 6pm-11pm Tues-Fri, 4pm-9pm Sat.

Quoting Jay Swackhamer <Jay at RebootTheUser.com>:

> I could find a complete script with all of the info I needed, so I
> wrote the following script to print out:
> sd-device | dm-device | mpath | Array model | volume group | size |
> serial number | device number
> output sample:
> sdff       | dm-37      | mpath55    | 2107900          | none       |
> 19531264   | 75L86111189     | 130:16
> sdfg       | dm-26      | mpath8     | HSV210           | vg02       |
> 744488960  | P8398F4AAT2010  | 130:32
> Can be downloaded from: http://downloads.reboottheuser.com/linux/lpvinfo
> user:movies passwd:video
> Script:
> #
> #AUTHOR="Jay Swackhamer"
> #
> WORK=/tmp/diskinfo
> mkdir ${WORK}
> MPATH_LIST=`ls /dev/mpath | grep mpath | grep -v p1 `
> for i in ${MPATH_LIST}
> do
>          multipath -l ${i} > ${WORK}/$i.txt
> done
> cd /sys/block
> SD_LIST=`ls | grep sd`
> for i in ${SD_LIST}
> do
>     MODEL=`cat ${i}/device/model`
>     SIZE=`cat ${i}/size`
>     MPATH=`grep "${i} " ${WORK}/* | awk ' { print $1 } ' | sed -e
> 's/\// /g' -e 's/://g' -e 's/.txt//g' | awk ' { print $3 } '`
>     DM_DEV=`ls -altr /dev/mpath/${MPATH} | awk ' { print $11 } ' | sed
> -e 's/..\///g'`
>     DM_NUM=`echo ${MPATH} | sed -e 's/mpath//g'`
>     VG=`pvdisplay /dev/dm-${DM_NUM} 2>&1 | grep "VG Name" | awk ' {
> print $3 } ' `
>     if [ "${VG}" = "" ];then
>        VG='none'
>     fi
>     SERIAL_NUM=`/sbin/scsi_id -g -p 0x80 -s /block/${i} | awk ' {   
> print $3 } '`
>     DEV=`cat ${i}/dev`
> STRING="${i}+${DM_DEV}+${MPATH}+${MODEL}+${VG}+${SIZE}+${SERIAL_NUM}+${DEV}"
>     echo "${STRING}" | awk -F+ ' { printf "%-10s | %-10s | %-10s |
> %-10s | %-10s | %-10s | %-15s | %-10s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7,
> $8 } '
> done
> rm -fr ${WORK}
> --
> Jay Swackhamer
> Reboot The User
> 13416 A Street
> Omaha, NE 68144
> 402-933-6449
> Hours: 6pm-11pm Tues-Fri, 4pm-9pm Sat.
> http://www.reboottheuser.com
> http://www.cafepress.com/rtu
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