[olug] Bandwidth Metering

Sam Tetherow tetherow at shwisp.net
Mon Jun 5 23:28:07 UTC 2006

This may not be the most elegant solution, but it's worked for me. 
You'll want to rotate the log files every once in a while or date them 
by setting $IPACCT_DIR to something meaningful like YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD.

Hope it helps.

For each IP to be monitored:

iptables -A IPACCT -i $EXT -d IPADDR
iptables -A IPACCT -o $EXT -s IPADDR

Where EXT is the external interface and IPADDR is the ip address to be 

Every 5 minutes run:
# This is a simple script that runs every 5 minutes and records how many 
bytes have
# been sent and received foreach IP
# The output is appended to $IPACCT_DIR/$IPADDRESS


open(STREAM, '/sbin/iptables -L IPACCT -n -x -v -Z |');
while(<STREAM>) {
(/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
# Didn't use all the values, but you might want them.
my ($pkt, $bytes, $proto, $opt, $in, $out, $source, $destination)=($1, 
$2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);
if ($source eq "") {
if ($destination eq "") {
foreach $ip (keys %downstream) {
# print "$ip\t$ts\t$downstream{$ip}/$upstream{$ip}\n";
open(LOG, ">>$IPACCT_DIR/$ip");
print LOG "$ts\t$downstream{$ip}\t$upstream{$ip}\n";

Charles Bird wrote:
> anyone know of a good method of measuring bandwidth usage per IP within a given time frame?
> Wondering who has done this and if there are recommendations from whomever.
> I am assuming this would be a lil linux router task. 
> I am not looking to shape or limit, just monitor usage per IP.
> Thx in advance.

   Sam Tetherow
   Sandhills Wireless

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