[olug] Article: Linux Snobs: Real Barriers to Entry

Will Langford unfies at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 16:09:14 UTC 2006

Snobiness is way beyond just introducing people to linux.

Back in 98 I started with some umsdos linux distro's and slackware... had
some friends get me introduced to everything (although, honestly, it was
pretty straight forward (even partitioning things)).

Over the last couple years I've had some questions reguarding postgres and
dhcpd, and have hit very 'leetist mentalities. My response to those
attitudes ? Disreguard my problems and not attempt to use the functionality
I was aiming for that was claimed to be supported.  A bit annoying.  Also,
ever try to talk to a gcc zealot ?

Granted, the postgres attitude came from some end users on IRC rather than
the developers themselves, but... I was in no mood to put up with 13 year
old attitudes.


On 4/20/06, Tim OBrien <IrishMASMS at olug.org> wrote:
> Another /. story pertinent to my experiences here in Vegas titled 'Linux
> Snobs, The Real Barriers to Entry' on reallylinux.com.
> The slashdot thread, which has some good commentary on the
> situation/article:
> http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/04/19/1235227
> The article on reallylinux.com:
> http://www.reallylinux.com/docs/snobsoped.shtml
> Just remember where we were when we first started, and do not just give
> the user the asnwer but give them guidance on how to find the answer.
> --
> Timothy "Irish" O'Brien
> Previous Publicity & Social activities chairperson
> Omaha Linux User's Group (OLUG)
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