[olug] OT - IT User Groups in Omaha - ITinOmaha.org

Aaron Grothe ajgrothe at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 15 16:38:34 UTC 2006

Hey Everybody,

I've been working on putting together a site for all the IT user
groups and events in Omaha.  We're ready to launch the site

Are there any groups we're missing?  Doing some of the research for
the site I've been amazed at just how many groups there are in town 2
- Apple Groups, a Sql server group, even a Dynamic Language group.

Again this is offtopic.  It does run on Gentoo on a Sparc box with
Apache/Xaraya though.

I would greatly appreciate pointers to any groups or events we're
missing, so we can get the site as complete as possible.


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