[olug] Burning the ISO's and....

Cale Lewis dlazlo at fbx.com
Fri Jul 15 05:05:21 UTC 2005


IIRC, you live in CB. If we can work out a meeting time/place, you can use my 
SuSE 9.3 DVD. I won't be needing it for a few days. I go to work here in 
Glenwood at 2 pm. I think my wife is off friday and might help out if needed. 
Let me know what might work for you.

Cale Lewis

>I have all the SUSE 9.3 CD iso's recorded and the two
>attempts I've made to burn them onto CD's hasn't
>I'm using Win XP with Nero 6 Ultra Edition.
>One set has all the files (uncompressed and saved as
>data ) if I can make that into a bootable ISO  --
>When that is inserted into a machine it boots and then
>says "Caldera Open Linux" and then "DR-DOS:/A"
>The other ISO disk 1 I burnt just sits there.

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