locally owned vote++ Re: [olug] East Penguin Lunch Vote

Joe Gulizia jrguliz at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 26 01:18:57 UTC 2005

Been to Katie's, Hollywood Diner and Michael's (all
good) not sure about the rest.

Went to King Kong's and the salad bar (or veggie
toppings) were out without any ice on a hot day stuff
looked wilted, etc. -- health concern imho and we
ended up going to Katie's instead

Price is always a factor...I know CiCi's has a few
locations *not sure how "Big" a chain it is.

Open to any but King Kong.

Joe Gulizia
--- Brian Wiese <bwiese at cotse.com> wrote:

> Jeff Hinrichs wrote:
> >Since John has kindly started a vote under a
> different subject (Thanks John)
> >I thought it would probably be better to voice a
> general opinion here.  In short, I would rather meet
> at a locally owned establishment as opposed to a
> "chain" restaurant.  Places like:
> >
> >Katie's (40th and Dodge)
> >Victor's (40th and Farnam)
> >Hollywood Diner (by the airport) 
> >Zio's (12th and Howard)
> >Michaels's (11th and Harney)
> >Cactus Café (Qwest Building - used to be the
> garden)
> >Radial Diner (40th and Cuming)
> >King Fong (16th St)
> >Bangkok Cuisine (19 and Farnam)
> >
> >What do the rest of the east ender's think? Is it
> even a concern for anyone else?
> >  
> >
> I share the concern.  The only place I've tried
> before is Katie's, I'd 
> be open to anything then. (cheap eats and good
> atmosphere are +++)
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