[olug] new penguin lunch location nominations?

Tim & Alethea Larson thelarsons3 at cox.net
Fri Apr 22 12:02:35 UTC 2005

thelarsons3 at cox.net wrote:
> There's been some discussion that perhaps the two locations we've had for the past year are starting to lose their appeal.  Maybe some people are staying away because they don't like Chinese or Mexican food, or have just gotten bored with the options on the menu.  So, let's open the floor to the idea of picking something new.
> We'll run it the same as last time, since I think everyone was happy with the process.  Nominate as many places as you want, keeping in mind there will be a "downtown" location and a "West O" location.  In about a week I'll post the collected suggestions and we'll vote Condorcet style again.  You get to vote once for each location.  If one of the current places wins again, so be it.
> Is there interest in a south/Bellevue location?  Last time hardly anyone responded in favor.  If enough people respond with nominations, we'll vote on that too.  If we have an established place and nobody shows up consistently, it looks bad to newcomers who might visit.

I really thought there'd be more interest than this, guys.

I'll nominate the Oak View food court, Cici's Pizza near 114th and 
Dodge, and renominate China Buffet there also.  Also renominating 
California Taco for downtown.  Anyone know of other good downtown locations?


Tim & Alethea

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