[olug] Extra pieces/parts for sell...

Craig Wolf cjwolf at mpsomaha.org
Tue Sep 21 11:28:40 UTC 2004

Sell all the wireless cards?  I was way to busy to get out to CB this

Craig Wolf
Linux Web Server Support
Desktop/Network Specialist

>>> roberson at olug.org 09/15/04 10:20 PM >>>

For those who were interested in any of this stuff - I will be hauling 
all of this and a boatload more across the river to Council Bluffs where

it will be on display at a garage sale my wife and mother-in-law are 
putting on this weekend.... It will be there this Friday and Saturday 
so be sure to stop by and pick up the stuff you emailed me offline
It will be first come, first serve. The address is 820 N. 21st street. 
The hours will be Friday: 7am-6pm and Saturday: 7am-4pm. And yes, there 
will be stuff your signifigant other can look at in case you would like 
to bring them - if you have them :) 

On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 06:41:43AM -0500, I wrote:
> All,
> 	Got a few extra stuff I am looking to offload - contact me
> offlist if interested
> Linksys befw11s4 
> http://linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=33&scid=35&prid=544
> Linksys WRT55AG 
> http://linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=33&scid=35&prid=537
> Dlink DI-624 http://dlink.com/products/?pid=6
> 3 x cabletron roamabout 802.11b pcmcia cards ( orinoco chips I beleive
> http://www.enterasys.com/products/wireless/CSIxD-AA/
> 3 x IBM branded intel pro wcb5000 802.11a pcmcia cards
> 3 x Sun 21" monitors ( Trinitron tube ) dual input ( VGA or 13w3m )
> http://www.dealtime.com/xPO-Sun_Color_Monitor_Premium_21_in_20180690
> Sun Ultra 5 workstation 360Mhz 256Mb ram 8Gb disk Solaris 9 installed 
> Pile of misc Sun stuff - mostly sparcstation 5/10/20 stuff, boatload
> memory, enogh spares to make at least 2 complete systems, sbus hme
> adapter - etc...
> Dell CPT laptop ( 400Mhz/128Mb/4Gb )
> misc pc100 and pc133 memory ( 64's and 128's )
> Cisco 1601 router
> 3com 16 port 10/100 office connect switch

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