[olug] Local internet access.

Nathan D. Rotschafer nrotschafer at geniussystems.net
Mon Sep 13 01:25:01 UTC 2004

I had Qwest DSL and it was great.  Easy to install, never went down like my
previous Cox service.  Got static Ips with reverse DNS with a consumer
account.  I just chose the lowest (like $6.99) qwest.net service for my ISP
and they got it all setup (MSN with DSL is not necessary for most people).
I would also like to say that saying something sucks is very not helpful
unless substantiated with facts and reasons.  This was meant as a helping
forum and a blanket "Qworst DSL sucks" is not constructive.  Just my opinion

Thanks so much, 

On 9/12/04 8:15 PM, "OBrien, Timothy  (Omaha Linux Users Group - OLUG)"
<IrishMASMS at olug.org> wrote:

> <quote who="David Loyall">
>> Hi, OLUG.
>> I'm looking for information about local ISPs.  I live in the dorms on
>> Offutt AFB.  Is Cox Cable my only option?  They seem really expensive,
>> and fairly stupid..  (There is some extra charge for 'home
>> networking'?  What the heck?)
> Not sure what you mean by 'home networking'. I have my home network
> without any additional charge.
>> Now, what if I get Qwest DSL with the BYO ISP option, and chose some
>> local ISP that will also do CO-LO for me.  ..Is there any such ISP?
>> Does DSL suck around here?
> QWorst DSL sucks - I just finished troubleshooting / setting up a QWorst
> DSL install not 2 miles from Offutt AFB.
>> Is there anything I should know, like does so-in-so ISP require me to
>> use PPPoE, or not offer reverse DNS, or not have full usenet spools,
>> or whatever?
> Also check out NeonRamp, based in Bellevue.
> Timothy "Irish" O'Brien
> Publicity & Social activities chairperson
> Omaha Linux User's Group (OLUG)
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Nathan D. Rotschafer
Senior Network Engineer
Genius Systems
Cell: 402-216-9270
Home: 402-778-NATE
email: nrotschafer at geniussystems.net

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