[olug] Don't Hack Your X

Carl Lundstedt clundst at unlserve.unl.edu
Wed Nov 17 16:53:28 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 08:08, Craig Wolf wrote:
> OR like a couple of people that I know:  1 for a good OS/gaming box and
> 1 to play live on.  They are single with money to burn, what can I say. 
> 8)
> Craig Wolf

Well...let's think about that.  I have an XBOX AND a desktop.  The XBOX
is just for 'couch' games and the desktop is for 'serious' games+all the
stuff I need to do.

XBOX = $149.
Desktop = ...um...MORE than $149.  (I dumped more than that in the video

2 x XBOX = $298.  

Which person in this picture is 'burning money'.

Carl Lundstedt <clundst at unlserve.unl.edu>
University of Nebraska

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